Staff Motivational Activities of Rural Development Bank, Nepalgunj
Chapter 1
- Origin & History of M.W. Rural Development Bank:
Majority of world’s population lives in rural areas where the people are unemployed and victim of starvation, disease and malnutrition and coped with socio-economic crisis. They even cannot ploy their competence in related sector. They do not have a small deposit to start a business. Due to high interest rate and exploitive behaviors from traditional lenders (like landlords or those people who have money and dominance in village or rural sector), the poverty has been increasing. There is an extreme need of such organizations, which enable, the poor people to be economically .
On the similar progression, in 1976 A.D, PROOF. Mohammad Yonus, a great man from Bangladesh had provided his own land to the people washed away in flood, without any collateral. From their foundation of M.W. Rural Development Bank was laid. There the concept of M.W. Rural Development Bank was termed as “Pilot Project”. In Bangladesh, Pilot project has gained a huge success in improving the socio-economic condition of people. After that Bangladesh has established M.W. Rural Development Banks from government level. Today in 58 countries all over the world, has been using the concept of M.W. Rural Development Banks from poverty elevation of rural sector specially women.
- Movement of M.W. Rural Development Bank in Nepal:
Nepal is a country, rich with natural resource, but counted in poorest territory in the world. In today’s context for the poverty elevation so many projects are going on like small Farmer Development Loan (2032 B.S.) in Nuwakot and Dhankuta district, Primary sector loan by N.R.B., loan on common land without collateral etc. to eliminate the poverty and improve the status of women after democracy of 2046 B.S., there was need of such organization and hence, in 2049 B.S. according to Company Act 2041 and commercial Bank act 2031, Eastern M.W. Rural Development Bank Britnagar and Far-Western M.W. Rural Development Bank, Dhangari was establishe. In 2051 B.S. MWRDB Nepaljung and WRDB Butwal was established. At last in 2052 B.S. WRDB Janakpur was established.
- Introduction to MWRDB:
The organization aimed at uplifting the living standard of socio-economically poor people, by utilizing their skill and latent is M.W. Rural Development Bank.
Acc. To Prof. Mohammad Yonus “a bank for the poor, by or with the poor, of the poor is called M.W Rural Development Bank”. MWRDB emphasis on making the women, who play significant role in the development of country, aware through education, awareness and self-independence. It motivates them for group activity and to live healthy life.
In the beginning, this bank was registered according to Commercial Bank Act. 2031 but currently it is running according to Development Bank Act 2052. MWRDB was established in 28th of Chaitra 2051 B.S. with an authorized capital of 12 crores and issued and paid up capital of 6/6 crores. NRB has played a dominant role share capital (63.2%) followed by HMG (16.5%), Rastriya Banijya Bank (5%), NBL (5%), NABIL Bank (5%), NSBI Bank (5%), and Insurance Deposit and loan security Corp.(0.3%). To run the bank smoothly and to get aimed goals, currently 6 member committee is formed which include 4 members from NRB and 1/1 from NBL and NABIL Bank Ltd. MWDR has a network in 15 district of mid-western development region including Rapti, Bheri and Karnali zone.
- Objectives of MWRDB:
- To uplift the economic status of poor woman through short-term loan.
- To provide a simple and accessible banking service to people who are below poverty line.
- To develop awareness among socio-economically poor women through development programmed.
- To provide capable rural economy through the maximum utilization of available manpower, capital and resource of rural area.
- Granting ‘Group Loan’ to poor people without collateral.
- To maintain the condition of agronomy, trade and other business in rural areas by providing necessary assistance, loan to poor belt.
- Main Features of MWRDB:
MWRDB is a bank for the poor by or with the poor of the poor. It is the only bank which specially aims poor people and poverty eliminator. It provides home banking service .Its features are:
- Selected group:
MWRDB only include poor people in its selected group. The loan provided by it, is small but these small loans are very important for poor people.
- Group Formation:
Under the banking service of MWRDB who have similar economic, socio-physiological state. The staffs motivate such groups but generally they, themselves form a group.
- Group training:
The group thus formed is compulsory to be trained. The period of training ranges from 1 week to a month which teaches them to understand their duty and responsibility towards bank after getting loan.
- Simple lending process:
Senior group member or the supervisor will present the loan to the bank for appraisal. And after a short investigation period the loan is approved which is very simple lending process.
- A loan suitable for poor:
The lending is not only simple but suitable for poor. It provides the loan without any collateral.
- Small loan with weekly installment:
MWRDB sanctions a loan of small amount which should be paid (principal and interest) within 50 weeks or a year. This encourages the people to invest in current business.
- A periodic loan of type 2+2+1 is given to each group in the process.
- Group member can select their own project.
- The centre of cash collection is made near to the groups.
- Saving is compulsory in this policy. It makes them disciplined.
- The policy is based on group co-operation and group co-ordination.
- The supervisor of the particular policy is made to get in contact with groups for their supervision and to know the development.
- The success of this policy depends upon the discipline and morality of groups and its members.
- Lending Areas of MWRDB:
MWRDB is a bank for the poor, by or with the poor, of the poor. It is only one genuine organization which is devoted at uplifting the living standard of poor people especially socio-economically depressed women. Hence all its investment areas are for helping poor. They are:
- General loan:
In this category of general loans, following loans are summarized:
- Farming loan: Nepal is an agricultural country with never the 80% people are engaged in, who are totally dependent upon farming and agronomy. Hence to raise the status of them, it has made a major sector for investment. In fiscal year 061/062, it has invested 2263.79 lakhs.
- Trade/Service loan: most of the people are engaged in trade and service sector. Hence it provide loan for such purpose. In current fiscal year, it has invested an amount of Rs. 4014.8 lakhs.
- Industrial loan: it also provide loan for those who are willing to run cottage and small industries. It has provided an amount of Rs. 1059 lakhs in this sector.
- Hand pump loan:
The main objective of MWRDB is to improve economic status along with health condition. Pure water is essence for all. Hence it has invested almost 119.97 lakhs.
- Seasonal loan:
There are different people who earn their life engaging in seasonal works. Thus seasonal loans are being provided to poor ones. Last year the amount was only 1178.94 lakhs but this year it has increase to 1379.49 lakhs.
- Toilet loan:
Different types of diseases are happening due to the ill sanitary condition especially in rural areas. Hence MWRDB has been providing loan for toilet management. The loan for this purpose was very small in the beginning but it has considerably increased (from 2.49 lakhs to 22.05 lakhs)
- United planning loan:
These kinds of loans are provided to the groups of people working on continued projects. It is to encourage such groups. In current fiscal year the loan of amount Rs. 104.2 lakhs are sanctioned for this purpose.
- Planning loan:
Planning loans are provided to existing old groups to develop and increase their capacity of earning. It has started from last fiscal year with an investment of 233.56 lakhs. In current fiscal year it has increase to 270.17 lakhs
- Third animal development loan:
Most of the population in rural area is engaged in livestock farming. For animal development loans are provided for upliftment of such business. It has also started from last year with an investment of Rs. 10.76 lakhs. In current year it has increased to 36.45 lakhs
- Group found loan:
MWRDB has also invested for such kinds of loans. The amount of loans are also increasing in their sector from past. In current fiscal year, it is up to 29.75 lakhs.
- Literature Survey
- Introduction of Staff Motivation:
Motivation is the force that activates inactive energies and sets in motion the action of people. It is a function that kindles a burning passion for action among the human beings of an organization. Only proper selection and development of employees do not help to advice the organizational mission. Undoubtedly we can hire the most competent employees with extra ordinary skills and develop them the required skills, knowledge and ability of performing organizational activities, but only these efforts do not assure that they will perform satisfaction in the organizational work environment. Major missing factor in above effects is motivation i.e. process of activating people to perform well in the organization. Hence motivation is one of the essential aspects of HRM which is concerned with the process of inducing, inspiring, organizing, and stimulating employees to do to better job in organization. It induces people of higher productivity resources are efficiently utilized employee turnover and absenteeism are reduced change can be effectively managed if employees are motivated. Motivated employees are the essence of effective human resource management.
Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation: An individual can be motivated either by intrinsic factors or extrinsic factors. Intrinsic factor include recognitions, social status, self-esteem and self activation needs which are related to characteristics of motivation inner aspects of the individual and social needs such as food, shelter, health, education, salary.
- Psychological concept: Motivation is concerned with needs, desires, and motives. Hence it is psychological concept.
- Continuous process: Motivation is continuous on going process rather than one short affair. Because an individual has unlimited wants and needs. As soon as the existing need is fulfilled another will appear. Hence motivation should go continuously.
- Complex and unprintable: Motivation is a complex in the sense that the individuals need and want may be unpredicted. Individuals differ in motivation. Motivation changes from time to time. It can be expressed differently.
- Pervasive: Motivation is the task for all level of managers. All managers need to motivate subordinates for effective job performance and higher productivity.
- Positive or Negative: Motivation can be positive or negative. Positive motivation is based on incentives and reward for better performance while negative motivation is based on punishment for poor performance.
- Goal oriented: Motivation is directed towards the achievement of stated goals objectives. From the view point of organizations, the goal is to achieve high productivity through better job performance.
Importance of Motivation
Motivation is a willingness to do something in order to achieve organizational objectives and goals. Motivations activate the employees towards better performance. Motivation has following importance:
- Effective utilization of human resources:
Motivation helps utilize the human resources effectively and efficiently towards the attainment of organizational objectives because motivated people show a greater degree of job performance ability and skills.
- Effective utilization of other resources:
Along with human resources, motivation promotes the effective mobilization of other non human resources. Motivated people can find better ways to do the jobs thereby reducing the wastages and damages of resources. Hence motivated employees can utilize organizational resources effectively and efficiently.
- Willingness for work:
Motivation is a willingness to do a particular task in order to achieve organizational goals and objectives. This inspires, induces and stimulates individual for higher job performance.
- Acceptance for change:
Motivation makes an employee ready for accepting change in organizational environment.
- Public image:
Motivated employees perform the task with almost care thereby resulting resulting less wastages and damages, as result of which they can build a strong public image in the society. If employees are motivated, they work for the organization which enhances the quality output and productivity. This ultimately enhances a good public image.
- Co-operation between employees:
Motivated employees work friendly; so they co-ordinate with each other. Hence, this brings the feeling of co-operation.
- Less Supervision:
Motivated employees are self controlled and self-managed. They perform the tasks without any reluctance (unwilling). Hence the work performed by such motivated and committed employee requires less supervision at all.
- Organizational effectiveness:
When the employees are motivated, they perform organizational activities with an utmost care. They introduce creative and innovative ideas in the work and accept organizational challenges easily. Hence the organizational effectiveness can be maintained.
- Low employee turnover and absenteeism:
Attractive motivation schemes provide satisfaction to employees. A motivated employees stays in the organization in more and their absenteeism is quite low. High turnover and absenteeism creates many problems in the organization and affects the reputation adversely. Motivation
- Need of staff motivation:
Motivation is powerful tool which helps in moving ahead towards our organizational activities where the employee of an organization believes strongly that their work will ultimately benefit their organization. Motivation tries to analyze human behavior. It helps us to understand why a person behaves in the particular way he or she does.
- To improve the working condition.
- To provide free working environment.
- To achieve organizational goal in time.
- For employ satisfaction.
- To improved performance
- To remove frustration.
- For solving conflict
- Model of motivation:
- Unsatisfied need and motives cause tension with in individuals.
- Tension can be physical, psychological or sociological.
- Individual engages in behavior or action to satisfy need motives for tension reduction.
- Arrival at the goal satisfies the need and motives.
- Depending on how well the goal is accomplished (feedback) the needs and motives are modified.
- Experience and exception influences the strength for motivation.
- Early theories of motivation:
The 1950 were a fruitful period in the development of motivation concepts. Three specific theories were formulated during the period they are:
- The hierarchy of need theory
- Theories x and y
- The motivation-hygiene theory
These concepts were all though heavily attacked and now questionable in terms of validity, however early theories are probably still the best known explanation for employee motivation.
- The hierarchy of need theory:
The hierarchy of needs theory was put on by psychologist Abram Maslow. Maslow saw that human need is the formed by hierarchy, starting from an ascending order, from the lowest to the highest needs. He concluded that when one set of needs was satisfied, the other emerges.
- Physiological needs:
These are the basic needs for sustaining human life such as food, water, shelter, sleep and sexual satisfaction.
- Security or safety needs:
These are the needs to be free from physical danger and fear loss of a job, security, protection, emotional and harm.
- Social needs:
Since people are social being, they need to belong to be accepted by other. For e.g. love, affection, belongingness, acceptance, friendship and entertainment etc.
- Esteem needs:
Once people
- Need of self actualization:
It is the desire to become what one is capable of becoming to maximize one’s potential and to accomplish something.
In the fig, Maslow postulated that the need of human beings are arranged as per the hierarchy , that is first comes satisfaction of physiological needs like food, cloth, shelter which may be termed the lower need and then to satisfy the higher needs such as safety , love, esteem and finally self actualization.
- Theories x and y
Another view about the nature of people has been expressed in two sets of assumptions developed by Douglas Gregor and commonly known as theory ‘x’ and theory ‘y’. These theories are two sets of assumptions about the nature of people in the organization. The theory x has included the traditional assumption about the nature of the employee which is as follows:
- Average human beings have an inherent dislike of work and will avoid if they can.
- Employees must be controlled, directed and threaten with punishment to better performance.
- Average human beings prefer to be directed wisely to avoid responsibility has little ambition and wants security about all.
Now the modern assumption of theory
- The expenditure of physical effect and mental effort is work is as natural as play and rest.
- Employees will exercise self direction and self control in the service of objectives to which they are committed.
- Management By Objectives (MBO)
In the theory of x, managers want to have a strict over the subordinates, he does not trust his subordinates and he believes that his people show the responsibility and need to be closely supervised.
On the other hand, theory ‘y’ is that management style where the manager has full confidence and trust in his people. He delegates
responsibility to his people who accept it and even demand it.
- The motivation-hygiene theory:
These may be termed the motivators and demotivators factor such as cleanliness and safety are motivators while factors such as poor lighting and unsafe conditions are demotivators. Motivators make a person put best efforts while the demotivator dissatisfies the person and put off from giving out his best.
- Contemporary theories of motivation:
The pervious theories are well known but unfortunately have not bleed up well under close examination. Some of the contemporary theories are:
- ERG Theory:
This theory was developed by Clayton Alderfer of Yale University. He has reworked on Maslow’s need Hierarchy to assign it more closely with the empirical research. The theory has three groups of core needs existence relatedness and growth as the level of ERG. The existence group is concerned with providing our basic material existence requirements. The second group relatedness is the desire that we have for maintaining important interpersonal relationships. Finally growth need is an intrinsic desire for personal development.
- MC Cleland’s theory of needs
MC Cleland’s theory of needs focuses on the needs – Achievement power and Affiliation. They are defined as follows.
- Achievement Need
The desire to achieve in relation to a set of standards, to strive to succeed.
- Power Need
The desire to make other behave in difficult situation.
- Affiliation Need
The desire for friendly and close interpersonal relationships.
- Cognitive Evaluation Theory
This theory was developed in late 1960. This theory gives knowledge on allocation of extrinsic reward for the behave that had been previously intrinsically reward which tends to decrease overall level of motivation. The theory has been extensively researched and studies find the major implications for this theory related to the way in which people are paid d in organizations.
- Goal Setting Theory
In the late 1960 Edwin lock proposed that intentions to work well are major source of work motivation. Goals tell an employee what needs to be done and how much effort is needed. Specific goals increase the performance and the result is fruitful.
- Equity Theory
Equity theory means individual compare their jobs inputs and outcomes with those of others and then respond. There are four referent comparisons an employee can use:
- Self Inside
An employees experience in a situation or position his/her current organization.
- Self outside
An employee’s experience in situation or positon outside his/her current organization.
- Outer inside
An individual or group of individuals inside the employee’s organization.
- Other inside
An individual or group of individual outside of the employee’s organization.
- Techniques of Motivational Activities:
There are some motivational techniques that a manager can apply for motivating staffs:
- Financial Techniques:
Financial techniques used in the organization are as follows:
- Increment in salary
- Daily allowance
- Gratuity
- Provident fund
- Festival allowance
- Medical expenses
- Positive Reinforcement
The technique for motivation is positive reinforcement or behavior modification: this approach holds that individuals can be motivated by proper design of their work environment and praise for their performance.
Skinner and his follower analyze the work situation to determine what causes worker to act the way they do. They initiate changes to eliminate troublesome area and obstruction to performance.
- Participation
The technique that has been given strong support is the increased awareness and participation. Most people may not have the knowledge of both problems and solution to them. Hence, the right participation yields both motivation and knowledge which is valuable for success. Participation means reorganization which appeals to the need for affiliation and acceptance.
Besides these, other techniques of motivation are listed below:
- Ensuring that staff/employees feel they are valued.
- Two-way communication
- Respecting, trusting and empowering staffs
- Providing rapid feedback on staff’s performance
- Giving worker opportunities to acquire new skills and offering promotion to qualified staff
- Establishing fair staff complaints procedures.
- Purpose of the field work
To commence any type of work, there must be certain objectives. Without having the fixed objectives we cannot perform our work better. So it is necessary to keep certain purposes of work.
The purpose of this field work has been listed below:
- To know what type of motivation factor are prevalent in MW Rural Development Bank and analyzed about these motivation factor.
- To study how much staffs are being motivated by motivation activities.
- To study about the motivation activities of the organization.
- To suggest the organization regarding motivational activities.
- Methodology
- Nature and sources of data
The present study has been completed mainly with the help of primary data and also supported by the secondary data. The primary data are collected from the study area; Secondary data are collected from the relevant articles and reports (published and unpublished) of different institution.
- Primary source of data
This study is mainly based on primary information ie primary data. Due to time and money factor more relevant area could not covered. As the study area is new one, the field work is limited due to the lack of enough information and motivation.
- Secondary source of data
Besides primary sources, secondary sources have been used for understanding about comparative situation of staff motivation activities in the study. Secondary sources of data have been collected from article, books, website, books and reports.
- Techniques of data analysis
Information collected from questionnaire was transformed into a master sheet and raw data were tabulated on the basis of master sheet. Information was grouped, sub-grouped and classified as necessary and so as to meet the objective of the study.
The systematic analysis has been done using quantitative as well as qualitative techniques. To analyze the quantitative data, simple statistical tool such as charts, diagrams have been presented.
- Final report
Based on outcome of the assessment and evaluation of the field work, the final report is concluded. The final report incorporated all valuable comments and suggestion from supervisor.
- Limitation of the field work
Motivation is the essential factor of organization that will achieve objectives in a fixed time. To devote the employees for organizational activities, it is necessary to motivate them. There are so many methods which are prevalent for motivation. To find out which one will be suitable, it is complex and challengeable work. It carried certain limitation. The limitations are as follows:
- Internal environment are different in different organization. So the study should not represent the whole organization about the employee’s motivation.
- The finding is relevant to that extent of this information which has been provided in short period.
- Vision may be different about motivation factor of MW Rural Development Bank from other Bank.
- Due to time and money factor more relevant area could not be covered.
Chapter 2
- Presentation of the data
M.W. Rural Development Bank, Branch office is situated at Nepalgunj, Banke. There are 30 staffs. It is necessary to motivate the staffs by using various techniques. The motivation technique has been shown below:
Evaluation of work performance promotion
Healthy Environment festival
Equitable behavior overtime
Participation of staff in decision making increment salary
From the above motivation factors staff are motivated. It is presented in below table
Fully satisfied
| |||
| |||
| |
The given data is placed in Multiple Bar-Diagram
“Motivation Activity of M.W. Rural Development Bank, Branch office, Nepalgunj”.
No of staff
In percentage
Fully satisfied
- Analysis of data
M.W. Rural Development Bank motivates its staff through two techniques i.e. financial and non- financial techniques. Since the human nature is different, some staffs of the bank may be motivated through financial technique while others may be motivated through non-financial technique. So these techniques should be analyzed.
Non-financial techniques:
- Evaluation of work performance:
The bank provides the merit certificate at the time of annual function for staff’s performance. As a result staff is motivated.
- Participation of staff in Decision Making:
Manager deal with staffs while making financial decision. He\she also suggest staff in their financial activities. So the staff can be motivated.
- Healthy environment:
The manager should be helpful and co-operative to the staffs. They should provide healthy environment for the staffs for performing their responsibility.
- Equitable behavior:
There should not be the effect of nepotism and favoritism. Manager should equally behave all the staffs. They should be respected equally.
Financial techniques:
- Promotion:
Promotion is the financial technique of the bank. The company grants promotion to staffs on the basis of their experience, capacity, and qualification. This promotion adds extra amount to the salary of the staffs.
- Festival allowance
At the festival time, staff needs extra amount for celebrating the festival. Thus the bank provides festival bonus to the staff. The bonus is given once a year.
- Increment in salary
The company also increases the salary of its staff according to the experience and performance of the staffs. Moreover increment in salary depends upon financial position of the bank.
- Paying holidays
It is universal truth that staff will suffer from their own problems. So to solve these problems, the company should give holiday to the staff; the company has to grants leaves and shouldn’t deduct salary for the leaves.
- Dresses:
The company provides dress for the staffs once a year. At the time of establishment, the company provides dress for its staff. So the staff needs not to spend money for their dress.
- Survey result
On my survey on the motivation factor of the staffs, I come to know various things related to motivation. I found differences between practical and the theoretical concept of motivation.
The theoretical concept of motivation places the staffs at the high level. It means that staffs are important to achieve the goal of organization. The organization gets success if its staff works efficiently and effectively in the organization. For working efficiently, the organization should provide healthy environment for them and they should be motivated towards their work. Through motivation they perform their work better and with their heart.
And now if we look at the practical concept of the motivation we find that it is very different from its theoretical concept. The staffs are thought as slave in some of the organization.
Moreover, the manpower and the technical power is more than required which dominates the motivation factor. In addition the person gets job on the basis of source and force. So the boss of the organization neglects the motivation factor.
In case of M.W. Rural Development Bank, it motivates its staff through two techniques i.e. financial and non-financial techniques. The bank has been able to motivate its staff truly with the theoretical concept of motivation.
Chapter 3
- Summary
As we know that motivation is a combination of money factor which effect behavior, individual characteristics and organization climate. The characteristics or nature of one person may differ from other person. So the motivation factor may not influence all the staff of the organization. So, it is very vast and difficult work to motivate the staff for better performance.
M.W. Rural Development Bank has provided many facilities and necessities to its staff which motivates them and helps them in performing better job. The organization has provided them good working environment, financial and non- financial technique have been used for motivating the staff.
- Conclusion
Some motivation factor may not motivate staff. It will be better if the bank will adopt the motivation factor like job rotation, job enlargement. M.W. Rural Development Bank doesn’t provide the security of staff’s job. It doesn’t provide provident fund to its staff for the security of life. So the bank should conduct the program for giving the reward to those staff whose performance are good. The organization should motivate the other workers such as bank’s guard. The organization should provide overtime facility so that the staffs can have good performance to achieve the goal of that organization,
- Recommendation
Being so many motivation factors available in M.W. Rural Development, it is not being able to motivate the staff in some event or cases due to lack of proper implementation of motivation factor. So we can adopt some measures for proper implementation of it. Factors that hinders in motivating the staff and their suggestion are listed below:
- Lack of effective annual increment
Lack of increment on salary creates discourages upon the staff. If M.W Rural Development Bank increases the salary at certain rate at certain time, this will motivate the staff to perform their task better.
- Lack of job security
Some of the staffs of M.W. Rural Development are insecure of their jobs. There is no certainty of their job. So the bank should provide permanent certificate to them according to their performance and hence, they can be motivated.
- Lack of provident fund
The bank should provide provident fund for the staff who have worked there for long years which helps in securing their life.
- Lack of extra facility
- Bank should give reward to those staff whose performance is good.
- Bank should motivate the daily wage worker.
- Bank should provide overtime facility
- Bank should provide dress facility.
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