Bussiness Studies Grade-XI(Syllabus)

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Unit 1 Introduction to Business
  1. Concept of Business
  2. Characteristics of Business
  3. Component of Business
  4. Functions and objectives of business
  5. Importance of Business
  6. Social responsibilities of Business
 Unit 2 Evolution of Business
  1. Evolution of industry and commerce
  2. Considerations before starting a Business
  3. Requisites of business success
  4. Business environment : concept and components (internal and external)
 Unit 3 Forms of Business Organizations
Sole trading concern
  1. Concept of sole trading concern
  2. Characteristics of sole trading concern
  3. Merits and demerits of sole trading concern
  4. Registration and renewal of sole trading concern in Nepal
Partnership firm
  1. Concept of partnership firm and partners
  2. Characteristics of partnership firm
  3. Differentiate between sole trading and partnership
  4. Merits and demerits of partnership firm
  5. Types of partners
  6. Types of Partnership
  7. Rights and duties of partners
  8. Partnership deed : meaning and contents
  9. Registration and renewal of partnership firm in Nepal
  10. Dissolution of partnership firm in Nepal
Joint stock company
  1. Concept of joint stock company
  2. Characteristics of joint stock company
  3. Merits and demerits
  4. Types of company
  5. Differentiate between public and private company
  6. Main documents for incorporation of joint stock company : memorandum, articles, prospectus
  7. Incorporation of joint stock company in Nepal
  8. Company meeting : preliminary general meeting, annual general meeting, extra ordinary general meeting
  9. Agenda and Resolution
  10. Winding up of company
Cooperative organizations
  1. Concept of cooperative organization
  2. Features of cooperative organization
  3. Types of cooperative organization
  4. Role of cooperative organization in developing countries
  5. Registration of cooperative organization in Nepal
  6. National cooperative development board : formations and functions
Public enterprises
  1. Concept of public enterprises
  2. Characteristics of public enterprises
  3. Importance of public enterprises
  4. Types of public enterprises
Multinational companies
  1. Concept of multinational companies
  2. Characteristics of  multinational companies
  3. Merits/Importance of multinational companies
  4. Defects of multinational companies

Business support agencies in Nepal
  1. Nepal chamber of commerce : formation and functions
  2. Federation of Nepalese chamber of commerce and industries: formation and functions
  3. Trade and export promotion center : functions

  Unit 4: Office Management
  1. Concept of an office
  2. Functions of an office
  3. Importance of an office
  4. Concept of office management
  5. Importance of office management
  6. Office accommodation and layout
  7. Selection of Office Location
Unit 5 : Filing and Index
  1. Concept and purpose of filing
  2. Importance of filing
  3. Types of filing : traditional and modern
  4. Methods of filing: alphabetical. Numerical, geographical, chronological and subject wise
  5. Qualities of good filing system
  6. Concept and purpose of indexing
  7. Types of indexing
  8. Qualities of good indexing
 Unit 6 Record Management
  1. Concept of  record management
  2. Importance of record management
  3. Types of records
  4. Principles of record management
  5. Disposal of records
 Unit 7: Office Machines and Furniture
  1. Office machine : meaning and importance
  2. Office furniture : meaning and importance
  3. Factors to be considered while selecting  office machines and furniture
 Unit 8: Business Communication
  1. Concept of  business communication
  2. Importance of business communication
  3. Sources of office information : internal and external
  4. Types and means of business communication
  5. Meaning of business letters
  6. Structure of  business letters
  7. Qualities of good business letters
  8. Drafting a business letters in English ( enquiry, order, complaint and application)

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